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Shell Cove Marina (Structured Data & Fibre Network, WIFI, CCTV)

RAD-IMAGES Shell-Cove cctv-shellcove-1


When we found out that this project was the first of its kind in the country, we knew we were the right team for the job. Shell Cove Marina realised a need for fully functional fibre optic and a structured cabling network, with bespoke communications cabinets to enable connectivity to cameras and WIFI, after the marina was established. The major problem points briefed to us were:

  • The client knew what they wanted, but not how to do it. They needed a reliable and out-of-the-box custom solution

  • The salt water environment

  • A moving pontoon

  • The area was accessible to storms

  • Changing tides and waves

  • No current private secure network for the mega yachts, so they were open to cyber security risks

  • It had never been done before


After assessing the site to investigate what was required, and how we could do it, we took an initial scribble on a page into working drawings in CAD, then onto building patching schedules and site layouts before building bespoke cabinets to house equipment built into the pontoon.

As existing marinas have not been designed in a way to consider the above services, out of the box thinking was required for the challenges presented from working in and around water. We were required to work from boats and in life-jackets for the duration of the installation.

Additionally, to prevent interferences from birdlife, bird spiking was added on all equipment. Specialised mounting holes and brackets were required for camera installations and multiple adjustments were required to find ideal camera locations.

Due to the saltwater environment, custom designed and built marine grade aluminium enclosures were required to house and protect all componentry.


The client was exceptionally happy as this was a first for them and for a marina in Australia, and our innovative solutions are now being utilised for similar projects overseas by the same company.

We worked with the client on a ‘lessons learnt’ session to ensure they can build improvements into future projects during the marina construction stage. They have a proprietary system, and building our componentry into their equipment will result in improved project delivery.